Music Matters because music is community.
The 2017-2018 Music Matters Series came to a close this past Saturday as student artists from the University of Virginia showcased their musical talents. This event was bittersweet as all of the preparation, planning, and hard work put into this series over the course of this year led up to this one event at THE BRIDGE Progressive Arts Initiative. Check out this amazing video Caitlin put together from this final event.

This final showcase was particularly meaningful to me because it was my final and cumulative performance as DJ Lindsey. All of the practicing and my prior gigs were preparation for this final event.
I felt the pressure instantly, but I knew that I could do it. The preparation for this set took longer than any of my other gigs. When I had previously DJ’d, it was almost as if the music was in the background and not the center focus of the event. However, for this event, the audience would be solely focused on me and my set. So, I ensured that everything was perfect.
Inspired by the nice, warm weather that was making its way in to Charlottesville, I decided to have my set based on summer jams. I had a variety of electronic and pop music. I looked at Youtube videos, talked to friends who are Djs, and just experimented.
I am very pleased with my performance! I cannot wait to continue Djing this summer and for the years to come!